Special Projects For Special Clients
Every individual and organization has their own special needs. I enjoy the process of uncovering those needs, researching the best way to meet the needs, designing the solution, then making the magic happen. Sometimes it takes a tweak or two to get it right - but that’s part of the magic!

- City of San Diego: Horticultural Advisory and Landscape Design for Balboa Park Botanical Building
- Balboa Park Conservancy: Consultant on development of the Garden Steward training program
- Balboa Park Conservancy: Consultant for Kate Sessions Cactus Garden
- Rancho La Puerta: Website content and marketing materials development
- Water Conservation Garden: Educational materials development
- Water Conservation Garden: Telephone Q & A hotline
- Water Conservation Garden: Plant selection advisory
- Water Conservation Garden: Create and teach a variety of courses for homeowner audiences
- R&R Enterprises: Assist in the development of special event speaker program including speaker recruitment and coordination
- San Diego Botanic Garden: Develop interpretive signage for garden exhibits
- Birch Aquarium at Scripps: Exhibit design and evaluation
What is your need? Let us talk
Filling out the form below is the best way to contact me but if you dislike forms, please email me directly at hello@waterwisegardener.com