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Hands-On Workshops

Plant a Pot of Tea: Homegrown Herbs for Home Made Teas

If your image of making tea starts with a white paper mesh bags filled with mysterious dried leaves, this workshop will blow your mind.  Green, black, and white teas are all versions of dried and cured leaves of Camellia sinensis, which are a little too thirsty for San Diego gardens.  But that’s not the case for herb teas.  Our climate is great for growing lemon verbena, mint, cardamom, pineapple sage, lavender, hyssop, and many more herbs you can use to blend your very own teas, dried or fresh.  In this hands-on workshop, Nan Sterman demonstrates a host of herbs that are super easy in a pot or in the ground and all of which make great teas.  Get ready to get dirty while you plant a pot of tea.

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