Today’s weather:
High 59.9 F, Low 38.6 F.
Today’s rain: 0.03″.
Rainfall so far this month 2.08 inches.
Rainfall so far this season (since July 2008) 6.56.”
Its raining! So, is the drought over?
Hardly…. Even if this year’s rainfall is greater than normal, water travels hundreds of miles to reach Southern California and the mountains it comes from have been suffering years-long droughts.
And frankly, even if they weren’t in drought, we’d still need to cut back. Southern Californians use too much water!
Gardens are our top water conservation opportunities. One of the easiest ways to cut back on garden water is to get rid of your lawn.
That’s why I teach “Bye Bye Grass.” Bye Bye Grass is a class that teaches you how to get rid of your lawn and what to do with the space once the grass is gone.
My next class will be on Thursday March 5 (6:30 to 8:30 pm) and Sunday March 8 (2 to 4 pm) at Quail Botanical Gardens ( (Advance registration is required).
Hear me talking about the class and about low water landscape on this morning’s local news:
By the way, lest you think that no-grass gardens are dry and brown looking, nothing could be further from the truth! Look at these gardens….
Hi Fran,
I much prefer a garden (low water) over a lawn any day. The only time I’m persuaded to install a lawn is when there are small children that will actually use it . Even then, they are small!
I like your blog.